Latest Reviews
Wonderful concert on Saturday! We especially enjoyed the variety. I always refer to symphony music as “big music” and at the end of the Beethoven piece which combined the power of the orchestra, chorus and four guest vocalists, I turned to my wife and said “now that was BIG MUSIC!” Thanks, Alana for all you do for TVS.
AWESOME QUALITY & Open to the whole community. Need to get the word out to more people. It would be cool to have a program for kids! Just that it has become a FINE ORCHESTRA!!
Your performances are professional quality! I also love John Mario’s sense of humor and his educational info / background on what we will be hearing. Zun-Hin Woo was wonderful also, with an interesting & fun sense of humor.
Came with my college student son for his music appreciation class. I was entertained SO MUCH! I will bring back my younger teenage kids if there is contemporary, Disney, Broadway, rock inspired pieces, etc. I love all classical musicians (I am a musician-piano/voice) Thank you!
EXTREMELY ENJOYABLE! Especially thankful for your Veterans Day concert in Old Town. Thank you for honoring them and the wonderful music. I loved the CURTAINS UP music today! We like a mixture…not too much classical.
In 5 years I have not attended a performance I didn’t thoroughly enjoy. I keep coming back for more. Keep up the good work!
Love the variety, the explanations and background for the pieces and all the excellence of the musicians…